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32 Years of Excellence: Celebrating the Inaugural Meeting of Waterfront Rotary with Tom Graham’s Heartfelt Reflections

Tom Graham’s Memories of the First Meeting

Charter President Tom Graham’s mail  to David Bradley:
“I do remember the day well —early morning, driving down the N1 from Parow, for that first meeting at the Cape Town Yacht Club, with you and Lewis Jason greeting the guests at the door.

A Legacy of Accomplishment

The rest . . . 32 years later . . . is a fine history of accomplishment from each and every Captain—and all crew—who have served, and continue to serve, in helping others accompanied by fun and friendship along the way 🙂

Honoring Waterfront Rotary Club Leaders

The WRC was, and is, blessed to have the likes of you and June who have, either lead or inspired the club, through decades of voluntary work, bringing relief and joy to many.

Passing the Torch

Time perhaps, to sit in the front seats as distinguished club elders, to observe the next generation of able-energetic-similar-values-driven-people to continue the legacy of outstanding performance.
Bobby and I certainly salute you— a brass fanfare for WRC (Waterfront Rotary) royalty!

A Tribute to Mymoena

To Mymoena, full strength to you and your chosen crew for the passages ahead.
Stay well, be safe, smile brightly.

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