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Empowering Women through Salesian’s Stitch Ahead Programme – International Women’s Day

Honoring Graduates of Salesian’s Stitch Ahead Programme

On Friday we celebrated International Women’s Day. The Rotary Club of Waterfront decided to honour the graduates of Salesian’s Stitch Ahead programme, a collaborative RCW project to economically empower women to support their families. These women are working tirelessly to complete the 300 waterproof goodie bags needed for participants in the Waterfront Canal Challenge on 6 April at Battery Park at the V&A Waterfront. Jo da Silva of Salesians shared Thokozani Mhlanga’s enthusiasm (on the far left) – “we are on a roll”. Every graduate received a small goodie bag to acknowledge their worth as women, who have been empowered by the Stitch Ahead Programme. Do good, feel good! Happy International Women’s Day!

Salesian's Stitch Ahead Programme graduates with Rotary Waterfront members during International Women's day
Above: Project Leader Spiro Mitchell and Captain Mymoena Ismail, Nadene Rolston Debby Daniel-Schollee and Michael Goldman with Thokozani Mhlang and the other graduates.

Supporting the Local Economic Empowerment of Women

A Memorandum of Understanding was recently signed between the Rotary Club of Waterfront and the Salesians Institute Youth Project (SIYP). The Stitch Ahead Sewing Programme offers a three (3) month sewing programme to – 15 unemployed individuals from underprivileged communities. Participants are trained in both hand sewing and machine sewing basics, resulting in the successful completion of several items for resale.

The objective of the Stitch Ahead programme is to teach students the practice of sewing, both by hand and machine. The Rotary Club of Waterfront, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Amersfoort, has made funding available for a new cohort of women. The program has commenced and the students have already completed an intense life skills course – a prerequisite.

Watch this space as our students progress! Pics below.

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