In a response to an appeal from Albert Glass, long time convenor of the One to One project, our club decided to donate R4000 towards supplies for the packs to be distributed to some 40 facilities in the greater Cape Town area. Unfortunately the in-person fair was cancelled this year. In addition to providing funding for inserts into the packs, volunteers are needed to to pack the bags. We hope to onboard Waterfront Rotaractors who are willing to help.
“This year the plan is to put together a Fun Bag to bring some cheer in their daily lives, to those who are intellectually disabled” writes Albert Glass. The goal is to put together 3000 bags comprising: a drawing book and crayons, a tennis ball, a clothing item like beanie or scarf, a packet of potato chips and a toiletry item.
Volunteers are needed to assist in making up the packs (from end July and into August). The venue – the Lions Club of Sea Point’s clubhouse in the Athletics Stadium (Vlei Rd, Green Point) opposite the Cape Town Stadium. The packing is to be done in 2 or 3 morning or afternoon sessions during the week or on a Sunday morning (dates to be advised).
Assist by getting packing cartons: In order to prepare the packs as securely as possible we can assist by getting as many apple cartons (with lids) as possible from the local supermarket.