Introduction to the Waterfront Rotary Q4 Update
Captain Mymoena took the crew through the Waterfront Rotary Q4 update, an impressive, comprehensive updated Strategic Action Plan for Quarter IV of this Rotary Year, providing each Director an opportunity to update activities and provide feedback. The Waterfront Rotary Q4 update slide deck has been circulated to all crew. A few slides below highlight the achievements for this quarter. An example of portfolio updates is the one for community service providing an update on progress by Piet Postema.

Youth Month and Interact Club Revitalization

May, being Youth Month, was a good time to herald the revitalization of the Trafalgar High School Interact Club after Covid brought it to a standstill.
The exciting news is that Waterfront Rotary has decided to expand the Interact club with the inclusion of the Learn to Live School of Skills learners from the Salesian Institute. We are confident that the Trafalgar High School Interact will bring new energy to this initiative. Their enthusiasm is contagious.
Adventures into Citizenship: Exciting Opportunities for Learners
Two of the four learners selected to join the Adventures into Citizenship were invited as guests to our Friday meeting, and they are very excited to meet all the other delegates. The Adventures into Citizenship will take place at Jan Van Riebeeck High School from the 17th to the 21st of June, 2024. (Tony Austen)
Friday Workshop: Brainstorming for Future Success

Some crew stayed on after the Waterfront Rotary Q4 update to participate in a valuable workshop, breaking into groups to brainstorm membership, integration and orientation of new members, Corporate Membership, PI, Community Service, Fellowship, ARCoM (Africa Rotary Community Mediation), and the Environment. These ideas and suggestions will be factored into the 2024-2025 Rotary Year Action Plan being crafted by Captain Mymoena. We reiterate her Clarion Call – “your involvement and ideas are crucial in shaping these initiatives and driving our success.”
Waterfront Rotary Community Service Updates and Achievements

Above Left: “Finding his niche”: Otto Beyer, a new member, giving a report back on the Environment. Right: Piet Postema, Director of Community Services, provides an update. Piet advised that two Global Grant applications had been submitted to the district. The one District Grant application for an obstacle course and jungle gym for Glencairn was signed off by the RCCT Directors promptly. The other – a District Grant for the CRCH Food Garden Project comprising a new well point and a food garden to support the Home’s self-sufficiency and sustainability goals.