Captain and Crew to Keep SS Waterfront on course!

Board 2024-2025: Captain Mymoena, Dirk Hoffman, Debby Daniel, Sue Truter, Spiro Mitchell, June Webber and Piet Postema. Missing Maryka Vermaak and Jan Buurman. 

“Keeping the ship on course will be the first and most difficult order of business. Everyone is going to be piloting their organization through very high waters where things can change in an instant.”

Grant David McCracken

Online Meeting on a Cold Winter Morning

Meeting online on a cold wet winter morning came as a blessing as we thought of all those less fortunate, enduring one of the most severe winters in memory, with little respite. Siham’s strong message for peace was sobering in lighting the Peace Candle: “As Cape Town braces for upcoming storms our thoughts go out to everyone in the community. May you find safety, strength, warmth and support during this challenging time. Here is wishing for peace, safety and a quick recovery for anyone who will be affected. Stay Safe Cape Town.”

Sue said Grace and Piet – the “Toast to Rotary International and to all our partners who support our projects”. Seventeen members attended the meeting – many of our members away/overseas.

Discussion on the 4-Way Test and Happy Rand Contributions

There was a “spirited discussion on the 4-Way test” with numerous generous Happy Rand contributions. Excitement among crew ahead of the Grand Opening event of the Olympics on Sunday was tangible. The 16 days of competitive international sport to follow, where athletes from the territories of all 206 National Olympic Committees as well as the IOC Refugee Olympic Team will be participating, would provide a feast of online viewing. 

Business Meeting Highlights

Snippets from the business meeting discussion:

  • Janet – The Good Hope Library refurbishment by the Otto Foundation: Grand re-opening  September/October.
  • Piet ran through all the projects we have at the moment, appealing for help, especially with environment. Ralph & Les need another passionate crew member to strengthen the committee. CRCH: Hoping the walk-in fridge will be delivered this week. Air-conditioners; 2 units will be replaced free of charge by the Fourways Group.
  • June: 6 prospective new members in the pipeline (2 Corporate V&A members to be replaced)
  • Reminder: Visit of DG Stephen Young – Friday 16th August
  • Invoices for subscriptions have been mailed – prompt payment will be valued. (Contact Debby Daniel to discuss alternative payment options.) 
  • All crew need and should be involved in a project. Where does your interest lie? Please share with any member of the Board. 

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