On Friday, 13 December, 64 crew, family and friends gathered to celebrate an incredibly successful year at the Metropolitan Golf Club before disembarking to celebrate the festive season. The above pic says it all. The room was beautifully decorated, thanks to Maryka and Sue, and the breakfast superb. There was lots of fun and laughter. A great opportunity for fellowship – to re-connect with former members and Partners in Service. A highlight was the Inner Wheel Draw which raised considerable funds for Inner Wheel Waterfront. The main prize was won by Spiro, who graciously handed the magnificent hamper to Tracey Saunders, who was also recognised with a Vocational Award for professional services to promote WCC 2024.

The pictures below captured the spirit of the morning – there were many guests as can be seen from the considerable attendance list below. Good to have had an international visitor from the RC of Ponds, Sydney – Vice President Virash Vallabbhai.