Born in the wilds of Zimbabwe, growing up amongst some of Africa’s finest trackers, David Reid-Daly used his tracking skills in combination with his studies in Psychophysical Therapy to develop a unique style which allows him to track the physiological causes of anxiety in the human body.
Psychophysical Therapy: Tracking emotions through the Body
David shared his insights on Psychophysical Therapy. He explains how our interactions with the environment leave impressions that can be observed and interpreted, similar to tracking in his native Zimbabwe. These impressions relate to the field of psychophysical therapy where the body reflects emotional history and relationships. Studies aim to understand how life’s pressures shape individuals’ bodily responses.
He delved into the historical perspective of Psychological Analysis, citing the work of Sigmund Freud and the past classification of psychological disorders as hysteria. Traditionally, psychotherapy sessions were more common for women due to societal dynamics. David emphasizes the importance of analysing how the mind processes thoughts and emotions in shaping our responses to life’s challenges.
Healing through Psychophysical Therapy and Childhood Impacts
David further explained that the Western mind is conceptual, digital, and psychical, while the African mind is psychical, concrete, particular, and conceptual, in that priority order. He mentioned how his thinking influenced his identity and how he got into Psychophysical Therapy through sports training. Working in Psychophysical Therapy led to clients’ memories resurfacing from past traumas. The approach focuses on addressing tension in the body accumulated through life experiences. Early in life, children thrive in loving environments, responding positively to kindness for optimal growth. On the contrary, mistreatment and neglect can lead to negative effects on cell development, nervous system growth, and brain health. David highlighted the importance of understanding the birth process where DNA from both parents merge to form a unique individual.
This topic aligns with a global movement focused on fostering peace, which is something RCW has been actively engaging with at Salesians.There are some exciting opportunities unfolding, particularly related to the work they’re doing at Intaka Island, Century City. David was appropriately thanked by Andre du Toit.
Talk transcribed by Alex Schubert👍

Several members stayed behind after the meeting and expressed interest in hearing more from David. He shared additional experiences and insights with those who remained, which some found valuable. (Above – chatting to Tony Austen and Dennis Hacker.)