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Adventure delegates (l to r) Ghayaan Solomon and Bessie Longwe (Trafalgar) Caleb-Lee Barnett and Mona-Lisa Diedricks (Salesians)

Fostering Culture and Community: The Impact of the Adventure into Citizenship Program

Special guests: Learners from Trafalgar High School Interact Club and SIYP Learn to Live School

Club Youth Coordinator Tony Austen introduced the four sponsored learners who participated in the ‘Adventure into Citizenship’ program in July: Caleb-Lee Barnett and Mona-Lisa Diedericks from SIYP Learn to Live School, and Bessie Longwe and Ghayaan Solomon from Trafalgar High School Interact Club  (pic above).

Each of the learners shared their experiences, highlighting the profound impact of meeting learners from various schools and how quickly they bonded into a family group. They visited significant places such as Stellenbosch University, Parliament, and the High Court, which left a lasting impression on them.

Ghayaan emphasized a special moment at the Chris Barnard Museum where they met a nurse who had worked with Professor Barnard. Despite initial nervousness and feeling out of their comfort zone, the learners soon adapted and had a wonderful experience.

They expressed deep gratitude towards the RC of Waterfront for the sponsorship and affirmed the value of continuing to sponsor learners next year.

Magic Michael Goldman, with his wisdom, thanked the learners on behalf of the Club and wished them well.

The ‘Adventure into Citizenship’ program remains a cornerstone for building youth leaders of tomorrow and fostering active, responsible citizenry.

Above: Captain Mymoena chatting to Mr Masimila from Trafalgar High.  Bessie Longwe. Caleb-Lee Barnett on the right,  from Salesians.

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